Code of Conduct and Rules of Engagement

SporkDAO Formal Guidelines

  • SporkDAO is committed to fostering an open, collaborative, and welcoming environment for the SporkDAO community. We ask that you treat others with respect and do unto others as you want done to you. We will not allow any personal attacks based on opinion, race, gender, or ethnicity, any of this behavior will not be tolerated in the forum.

  • Do not post any NSFW content, and refrain from using harsh language or language that may offend other members of the SporkDAO community.

  • Please do not spam members of the community by tagging them irresponsibly in posts, and refrain from sharing any personally identifying information in the forum about members.

  • Do not disclose any login credentials, such as emails, passwords, or information that can be used by attackers to gain access to your profile.

  • There will be no tolerance of users requesting payment in the forum, if you see this please reach out to @admins immediately.

  • Any attempts from members to impersonate other members will face our zero-tolerance policy for this type of behavior, it will be reported and face immediate ban from the community.

  • Because this is an open platform, we cannot guarantee that text communications in this server won’t be recorded or monitored by law enforcement. Please observe your awareness of this by refraining from discussing anything illegal including tax evasion and market manipulation.

  • As you will see, the forum is organized by categories and topics. Please do your best to tag conversations properly, keeping conversations organized, or one of the moderators will assign it a tag for you. You can help with organization by keeping conversations relevant to their respective categories and encouraging focused discussion.

Thank you for taking the time,

Welcome to SporkDAO!